website_walkthrough_First_Frame.png is a representation of my home rendered in navigable, 360-degree line drawings. As viewers explore the house, they encounter hyperlinks that show the individual pieces within the larger body of work. The artwork has manifested in various forms, including photography, 3D models, and videos. This website provides accessibility to the genre of horror both in a practical way and on an emotional level.

I developed this body of work in 2020, as I quarantined through my pregnancy. It was important to me to create a body of work that someone in my position could experience. Throughout quarantine, my relationship with my home shifted, and I thought a lot about the role of the home in horror and how that speaks about our relationship with domesticity. The title Permeable Bodies has a dual meaning. Firstly it speaks about the spectacle of bodily destruction in horror. Secondly, it references the shift that happens in pregnancy when so much of your life suddenly becomes about the inner workings of your body. You have unique access to peer inside yourself through ultrasounds and doppler readings, and your swollen belly can sometimes cause others to look past you—an obliteration of self as you become just a vessel for the life inside.